Latin American School for Social Change

-Courses, Subjects and workshops already confirmed, which just need you to be enrolled-

The Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET) is organising special courses/subjects for this year 2018, with Indigenous activists, trade unionists, committed academics and organisers and participants of social movements in Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Honduras, Venezuela and from the whole Latin America.

The Latin American School for Social Change will be a series of short courses,subjects, forums, classes and other workshops for activists, trade unionists, committed teachers and people living in so-called Australia.

For people interested in learning more about the social movements (popular and Indigenous peoples) of Latin America of grassroots community organisations that carry out their daily work of organisation and actions, from below and from the side of the heart.

The participants will be informed and will know:

– Of the history of social and political movements and popular social struggles and original peoples.

– How they are organized and developed.

– There will be spaces for questions, answers and spaces for conversation and discussion.

– Interactive activities.

Concepts, Topics:

History or colonisation and decolonisation in South America, Indigenous land defence and recuperation, Of Good Living (Sumak Kawsay), citizen revolutions, meanings of the community revolution, Latin American political theorists, Bolivar, Tupac Amaru, Leftaru, many more, the validity of Guevara’s project, the anarchist movements of Latin America, LGTBIQ struggles, economic and ecological alternatives, Eco socialism, ecofeminism, popular culture, Neoliberalism others…

Among the Exponents / academics / teachers / activists will include:

-Academics, teachers and activists committed with Latin America in Australia

– Activists from Indigenous peoples of Latin America (Mapuche, Wayuu, Lenca, others).

– Zapatista activists, from Chiapas, Mexico.

– Leaders of the Landless Movement, MST, of Brazil.

– Trade union leaders, Colombia.

– Social, political and human rights leaders from Peru, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and others.

– Social and political leaders of Central America and the Caribbean (Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Cuba, and others)

– Academics / committed teachers from Latin America

Others will be announced later…

Any questions email or call 0425 539 149[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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