A Call for May Day and International Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba 2024
February 29, 2024

photo: Syara Salado Massip / Resumen Archives
We would like to share the call of the National Secretariat of the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba -CTC for the celebration of the activities for May Day and the International Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba in this 2024.
Workers, Trade Unionists and Friends of the world:
The Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC) and its unions, in conjunction with the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), political, mass and social organizations, invite you to participate this year in the activities for the International Workers’ Day in Havana, Cuba.
We call for the days from April 29 to May 2 to participate in exchanges with the secretariats of the CTC and trade unions, visits to workplaces, to participate in the massive May Day Parade and in the International Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba and anti-imperialism. These activities are framed in the context of the 100th anniversary of the death of Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov Lenin, leader of the World Proletariat, the 171st anniversary of the birth of our National Hero José Martí, the 85th anniversary of the founding of the CTC, its process towards the XXII Congress and the 65th anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution, and a space to pay deserved tribute to the legacy of the Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, in a powerful example of the solidarity of the Cuban people.
The events will be developed with the purpose of continuing to demand the lifting of the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the US government against Cuba, intensified by the application of 243 measures imposed by the Trump administration and maintained by the current Biden administration; as well as to demand the removal of Cuba from the spurious list of state sponsors of terrorism, realities that cause negative impacts on the welfare of the people, workers and their families.
It will also be a propitious moment for the political forces, social, popular and solidarity movements, trade union organizations and participating personalities to have exchanges about the situation the world is going through, the multidimensional crisis of imperialism, the impact of the genocidal war of the Israeli state against the Palestinian people and the neoliberal policies that place the market above the life of human beings.
We will celebrate this time with the decisive participation of the workers, the dignity and creative resistance of the people, raising the banners of unity in diversity as a strategic weapon against imperialism to preserve peace, closely linked to our development, defending the gains of the world trade union movement and the just causes of our peoples.
Cuban workers are grateful for the strong expressions of solidarity support from friends around the world, and we ratify that, despite the restrictions, we will continue to participate actively in the consolidation of a socialist, democratic, prosperous and sustainable society.
Long live May 1st!
Long live international solidarity!
Proletarians of all countries, Unite!
- CTC National Secretariat
Source: Resumen Latinoamericano – Havana