Latin America/ Abya Yala, so called Australia & beyond-Grassroots Movements and First Nations Solidarity Gathering

ACTIONS FOR CHANGE, Tejiendo Rebeldías (weaving rebellions) Grassroots Movements and First Nations Solidarity Gathering Latin America/ Abya Yala, so called Australia & beyond The Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET) together with other solidarity organisations are convening and organising an International Gathering for and with other activists, leaders, and indigenous as well […]

Latin American solidarity upcoming event & actions…Welcome

Latin America solidarity upcoming event & actions The Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET) is an independent and inclusive group of people working in solidarity with Latin American grassroots movements and their struggles. Our main goals are Building Bridges of struggles and resistances between Latin America, Australia and the whole Asia Pacific Region […]

LASNET documentary screening

This Tuesday FEB. 13th, 7PM at Catalyst (146 Sydney rd., Coburg), our first doco screening at Catalyst Social Centre. Presenting “Even the Rain” following nice food and a collective discussion on colonialism. Idealistic filmmaker Sebastian (Gael Garcia Bernal, The Motorcycle Diaries) and his cynical producer Costa (Luis Tosar, The Limits […]

Latin America and the Caribbean: Between the Neoliberal Offensive and New Resistances

From: (2019, for background on last developments in Latin America) Challenges for Popular Movements and Critical Thought. Dossier n°22 (recent analyses on Latin America) Berta Cáceres, 1971-2016 For quite a few years, the people of Latin America and the Caribbean have been confronted by a new advance of imperialism […]

Chile: Mapuche Political Prisoners On Hunger Strike Reaches 2 Months

By Carlos Aznárez, Resumen Latinoamericano, January 12, 2024 Freedom for all the Mapuche political prisoners There are countries where double standards are part of the norm when dealing with political issues, or even worse, with human rights. On the one hand, intermediate officials, ministers and even presidents will hypocritically spout […]

América Morena: Tendencias, restricciones y posibilidades en el 2024.

Breve balance político y perspectivas hacia Nuestra América 2024 por Oscar Rotundo (*)/PIA Noticias/InfoNativa. Este año que culmina (2023) ha sido pletórico en acontecimientos políticos que trascenderán el 2024, y de concretarse la tendencia de realineamiento con las políticas norteamericanas, la vuelta atrás, la reversión de la situación regional, será […]

The barbaric conduct of the Israeli state must be stopped. The dignity and freedom of the Palestinian people must be upheld

By Richard Falk, Chandra Muzaffar and Joseph Camilleri Jan 16, 2024 The genocidal violence unleashed by Israel in Occupied Palestine since October 7 has produced unspeakable tragedy and suffering for the Palestinian people. Such barbaric behaviour places the State of Israel outside the bounds of a civilized world. Israel has become a pariah state, […]

Canadian mining company at centre of deadly Panama protests has no plans to scale back

Pete Evans · CBC News  The Canadian mining company that controls a massive copper mine in Panama says it has no plans to alter its operations despite widespread local protests against the firm’s mining contract that have escalated and turned deadly. Last month, Vancouver-based First Quantum Minerals Ltd. was awarded a contract to […]

LASNET open meeting, November 18, 2023

Inspiring… Resisting… Creating new Possibilities for Change… An invitation for all those interested in solidarity with Latin America… LASNET OPEN MEETING, Saturday November 18, 2023 (10am-12Noon Zoom AND 2:00PM to 5:00PM in person at Catalyst Social Centre) Register here: The Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET) In Australia, Asia, and the Pacific, the […]

Honduras:  Serious Threat against the Life of Garífuna Defender Miriam Miranda

September, 2023 photo: BSM San Pedro Sula, Honduras, On Tuesday four men armed with assault rifles entered the house of the leader of the Honduran Black Fraternal Organization (Ofraneh), Miriam Miranda. Ofraneh denounced in its social networks the attack against the privacy of the defender of the territory that took […]

“Convención Constitucional”: ni constituyente, ni democrática (from POLITIKA)

Escribe Felipe Portales y La próxima “Convención constitucional” no será ni constituyente, ni democrática. No será constituyente, ya que el elemento esencial de una Asamblea o Convención constituyente es la plena soberanía que esta tiene –delegada por el conjunto del pueblo– para elaborar y aprobar un nuevo texto constitucional, sujeto […]

Las Luchas de los Pueblos Latinoamericanos en tiempos de Pandemia conversatorios via Zoom. Mayo 23 y 30, Junio 6 – 2020 View Post LAS LUCHAS DE LOS PUEBLOS LATINOAMERICANOS EN TIEMPOS DE PANDEMIA!! 23, 30 DE MAYO Y 6 DE JUNIO, 11 AM (HORA MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA) REGISTRATE/INSCRIBETE AQUI A SERIE OF WEBINARS, DISCUSIONES EN LINEA, CONVERSATORIOS El codido y clave de ZOOM para ingresar se los enviaremos una vez se […]

“El neoliberalismo aplica la necropolítica, deja morir a las personas que no son rentables”

Clara Valverde introduce su nuevo libro con la alusión al texto de una pintada en la pared: “Con la dictadura nos mataban. Ahora nos dejan morir”. En ‘De la necropolítica neoliberal a la empatía radical’ (‘Icaria/Más madera’) esta activista política y social y escritora sostiene que el sistema neoliberal es […]