The HORISON FEST, is an initiative to get all communities and friends together, due to the necessity to communicate to each other, sharing projects, experiences and above all to create a space to support each other.Our idea is to defeat individualism; competition and all those values that are driving our […]
Latin America/ Abya Yala, so called Australia & beyond-Grassroots Movements and First Nations Solidarity Gathering
ACTIONS FOR CHANGE, Tejiendo Rebeldías (weaving rebellions) Grassroots Movements and First Nations Solidarity Gathering Latin America/ Abya Yala, so called Australia & beyond The Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET) together with other solidarity organisations are convening and organising an International Gathering for and with other activists, leaders, and indigenous as well […]
May-June Latin American Solidarity upcoming events-actions, Your are invited!!
Dear Everyone, here is an invitation to share among your friends and networks. For those that have been showing interest in supporting first nations and grassroots organisations in Latin America and in the so called Australia, here are some events and actions that might be of your interest. All the […]
S.O.S. Urgent campaign for displaced people by climate disaster in Brazil-May 25th, 1pm
CAMPAIGN RAFFLE DRAW MAY 25th, 1PM (after The solidarity Breakfast). Get your raffle ticket here: SOS RIO Grande do Sul, Brazil LASNET Stands with the people affected by floods in Brazil Urgent international support is needed Now! In Australia donate here: More than five hundred families from farming […]
Latin American solidarity upcoming event & actions…Welcome
Latin America solidarity upcoming event & actions The Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET) is an independent and inclusive group of people working in solidarity with Latin American grassroots movements and their struggles. Our main goals are Building Bridges of struggles and resistances between Latin America, Australia and the whole Asia Pacific Region […]
LASNET documentary screening
This Tuesday FEB. 13th, 7PM at Catalyst (146 Sydney rd., Coburg), our first doco screening at Catalyst Social Centre. Presenting “Even the Rain” following nice food and a collective discussion on colonialism. Idealistic filmmaker Sebastian (Gael Garcia Bernal, The Motorcycle Diaries) and his cynical producer Costa (Luis Tosar, The Limits […]
LASNET 2024 Best wishes
Inspiring… Resisting… Creating new possibilities for change…Best wishes for 2024 We would like to thank all for supporting the Latin American people through the Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET) during 2023. Your valuable support, participation and help has made it possible to organise many events like movie/doco nights, the garage […]
We Will Not Apologise – Zionism is Racism!
From: PRESS STATEMENT – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The People’s Forum Executive Director: We Will Not Apologize – Zionism is Racism! January 18, 2024, New York City – Following the publication of a slanderous article by the New York Post about The People’s Forum as well as a barrage of […]
Zapatistas at 30: Building and Inspiring Autonomy
Raúl Zibechi in NACLA ( For decades, the EZLN has informed struggles down and up the continent. Amid climate chaos and endless war, they continue to imagine and create better worlds. December 22, 2023 “If you touch one, you touch all.” An illustration titled “Miradas y Espejos” (Gazes and Mirrors) […]
Multinacionales: (De)construyendo el futuro de todos
Como parte del trabajo del Observatorio de Conflictos Mineros de América Latina (OCMAL), compartimos el Video «Minería: (De)construyendo el futuro de todos», que agrupa todos los capítulos de la campaña que lleva el mismo nombre. El trabajo audiovisual fue realizado por el siguiente equipo:Guion: Tania Muñoz y César PadillaDibujos: MicoRealización […]
The Past and Future of Latin America
From: Network in Defense of Humanity Article in From the side of the heart Bulletin Year XI, Number II, Oct., 2023 By Emir Sader on August 15, 2023 Latin America has lived in the 21st century, the most important period of its history, up to the present. After having been […]
Make a donation
Any amount of support will be to help to cover the projects we have in different Latin American countries, if you want to find more, send us an email and we happy will give details about our current projects. If you make a donation add you name in ‘reference’ […]
The rise and fall of progressivism in Latin America
(Book summary) The rise and fall of progressivism in Latin America By Anderson Bean The Impasse of the Latin American Left (book name) by Frank Gaudichaud, Massimo Modonesi, and Jeffery R. Webber Duke University Press, 2022 If you were to look at a map of South America in the mid-1990s, […]
Murió Enrique Dussel, el padre de la “Filosofía de la liberación”
From Pagina12 Por Silvina Friera 6 de noviembre de 2023 El filósofo mendocino, que se exilió en México en 1975, promovió la descolonización espistemológica. “El capitalismo no tiene freno; el aumento en la tasa de ganancia es infinito, además los que acumulan capital nunca estarán saciados”, planteó. El hombre que luchó contra […]
How Venezuela is rebuilding its Industrial Base, One Volunteer at a Time
By Leonardo Flores on April, 2021 “We don’t just repair machines; we repair consciences,” says Sergio Requena of the Productive Workers Army (EPO by its Spanish-language initials) in Venezuela. The EPO is a group of 2,270 volunteers with a broad range of technical expertise. They go from factory to factory repairing broken machinery. Their […]
Let the Rich Pay for the Crisis
By Katu Arkonada on July 4, 2020 After the economic crisis of 2008, there was a sector that not only recovered quickly but continued to grow exponentially, the luxury goods sector. While a large part of the population saw their social and labor rights cut back, the occupation of 5-star hotels, […]
XIII Tesis sobre la catástrofe (ecológica) inminente y los medios de evitarla By Michael Löwy
I. La crisis ecológica está ya presente y se convertirá todavía más, en los meses y años próximos, en la cuestión social y política más importante del siglo XXI. El porvenir del planeta y de la humanidad va a decidirse en los próximos decenios. Los cálculos de algunos científicos en relación […]
I. La crise écologique est déjà, et deviendra encore plus dans les mois et années à venir, la question sociale et politique la plus importante du 21e siècle. L’avenir de la planète et donc de l’humanité va se décider dans les prochaines décennies. Les calculs de certains scientifiques au sujet […]
XIII Teses sobre a catástrofe iminente (ecológica) e as formas (revolucionárias) de a evitar By Michael Lowy
I.A crise ecológica já é, e será ainda mais nos próximos meses e anos, a questão social e política mais importante do século XXI. O futuro do planeta e, portanto, da humanidade, será decidido nas próximas décadas. Os cálculos de alguns cientistas sobre cenários para o ano 2100 não são […]
I. The ecological crisis is already the most important social and political question of the 21st century, and will become even more so in the coming months and years. The future of the planet, and thus of humanity, will be decided in the coming decades. Calculations by certain scientists as […]