ACTIONS FOR CHANGE, Tejiendo Rebeldías (weaving rebellions)

Grassroots Movements and First Nations Solidarity Gathering Latin America/ Abya Yala, so called Australia & beyond

The Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET) together with other solidarity organisations are convening and organising an International Gathering for and with other activists, leaders, and indigenous as well as non-indigenous communities from popular grassroots and community organisations from below that work in supporting the struggles and resistance of indigenous peoples and popular organisations towards a world without discrimination, domination, and without exploitation.

THE SOLIDARITY GATHERING/ Conference aims to build bridges of struggle, friendship, community, and collaboration between Indigenous and grassroots communities from below across all parts of Latin America, Australia, Asia Pacific and beyond.

On the first day of the gathering (17th October) there will be a Welcome to Country and a public reunion. On the 18th and 19th October, there will be plenary sessions, workshops, documentaries, photo exhibitions, information stands, and other activities. On Sunday 20th October, will have a special forum in SPANISH answering the question: what can we do from here?

Participants from Australia and abroad explore the answers to the questions of WHY and HOW we resist and fight to protect our planet and defend our communities, as well as WHAT we propose as Indigenous peoples and grassroots movements organisations from below and community organisations to achieve transformation with social justice.

The topics that will be discussed include: Resistance of Indigenous peoples; Sovereignty; Self-determination; Militarisation; Grassroots economics; Colonialism; New imperial narratives; Power struggles amongst those in power; Our visions of emancipatory futures; The failure of progressivisms; The advance of extractivism through development; The expansion of neoliberalism; The type of societies we need; Socialist possibilities?; The efficacy of State, can we question its existence? and whether it should be transformed at its core, and many more topics of interest. 

Our goal is to be inclusive and open to ideas and dialogues that support self-determination of Indigenous peoples and grassroots movements struggles for justice, peace, dignity, and democracy from below.

We would like to develop the concept of an alliance between Indigenous, poor, and marginalised peoples, as all commonly are facing issues such as exclusion, exploitation, racism, and repression.

The Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET)

P.O.BOX 239 Carlton North, VIC. 3054

WhatsApp: +61 425539149,,

Gathering/ Conference Registration:

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