January 1st 2024.
Zapatistas 30 years, 1994-2024
A toast to celebrate the EZLN, wherever you are!
Saludo (Brindis) por los 30 años de la irrupción del EZLN en Chiapas, en donde te encuentres!
Thirty Years of Building Another World.
Thirty years since the uprising of the EZLN in Chiapas, the world now speaks a different language.
These past months leading up to this significant anniversary, the indigenous communities in resistance invoke yet another global revolution of heart and thought.
During these weeks we welcome the return of the light, and the new horizons of courage and creativity that carry us into the coming year.
Wishing you a Feliz Año Nuevo from our geographies in Chiapas and also on Turtle Island and on so-called Australia
In solidarity and respect
LASNET Collective
lasnet.solidarity@gmail.com, WhatsApp: +61 425 539 149
Check our web: www.latinamericansolidaritynetwork.org