Sunday March 18, 7PM Melbourne State Library Corners off Swanston & Latrobe Streets, Melbourne City Facebook event: The Brazilian community is calling out about the violent execution of the councilor and human-rights activist, Marielle Franco and the driver Anderson Pedro Gomes. This is an action of resilience. We gather […]
Information Night for the Latin American School for Social Change
Dear everyone. We are extremely excited from the great response to our call of interest in the Latin American School for Social Change, over 50 people so far have expressed interest in participating in our courses and workshops on the topics to learn, share and explore this current time in the Latin […]
The Truth about Venezuela – Discussion and Cultural night The mainstream media lies!
Guest speaker Pacha Guzmán “Building grassroots organisation from below” A nigh in solidarity with the people in Venezuela, A night of discussion, music, dance, poetry, nice food THURSDAY MARCH 29th, 6:30PM At: Edinburgh Gardens, Community Hall (Off Brunswick St. Fitzroy North, Tram 11-Stop 20. Behind the Fitzroy Bowls Club in […]
Encuentro con el pueblo de Venezuela desde abajo y a la izquierda – “Construyendo Futuro.”
Martes 27 de Marzo, 6:30pm Melbourne Trades Hall, Piso 4 por la puerta de vidrio en las esquinas de las calles Victoria y Lygon Street en Carlton South Invitamos a todos los latinoamericanos en Melbourne a un encuentro con la el pueblo Venezolano, construyendo futuro, con Pacha Catalina Guzmán militante […]