-Micahel Lowy The need for economic planning in any serious and radical process of socio-ecological transition is winning greater acceptance, in contrast to the traditional positions of the Green parties, favorable to an ecological variant of “market economy,” that is, “green capitalism.” In her latest book, Naomi Klein observes that […]
Vargas Llosa and the Pandemic: No to Life
In this pandemic, as rarely seen in history, the contempt of capital for human life has never been so clear. The obsession of the vast majority of tycoons with not shutting down business no matter how much damage this may inflict on workers’ health is something to behold. The same applies […]
“El neoliberalismo aplica la necropolítica, deja morir a las personas que no son rentables”
Clara Valverde introduce su nuevo libro con la alusión al texto de una pintada en la pared: “Con la dictadura nos mataban. Ahora nos dejan morir”. En ‘De la necropolítica neoliberal a la empatía radical’ (‘Icaria/Más madera’) esta activista política y social y escritora sostiene que el sistema neoliberal es […]
Scientists Warn Worse Pandemics Are on the Way if We Don’t Protect Nature
From https://www.ecowatch.com/ A group of biodiversity experts warned that future pandemics are on the horizon if mankind does not stop its rapid destruction of nature. Writing an article published Monday by The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the authors put the responsibility for COVID-19 squarely on our shoulders. “There is […]