In the face of a state that assassinates its own people, the Colombian people remain on the streets and continue resisting. by Laura Capote, Zoe Alexandra, May, 2021 As police and military forces in Colombia use violence to try to repress the massive mobilizations that grew out of a national […]
Colombia on the Brink
May 7, 2021 by Alejandra Marín Buitrago (from Photograph Source: Humano Salvaje – CC BY-SA 2.0 In the last week, Colombia has experienced the most widespread civil unrest of its modern history. Since Wednesday, April 28th, millions of people have taken to the streets to fight back against a […]
The Network in Defense of Humanity Rejects the Aggressions by Armed Groups against Venezuela near the Border with Colombia
April 5, 2021 The Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity, in view of the confrontations that began on March 21 between the Bolivarian National Armed Forces and irregular armed groups in La Victoria, Apure State, near the Colombian border, declares: -It is an insistently repeated […]
Colombia-Venezuela Border: The Truth about the Conflict
By Yoselina Guevara L. on April 19, 2021 Venezuela shares with Colombia not only 2,219 km of borders, but also a history that unites them. A union that emerged solidly under the command of the Liberator Simón Bolívar, against a common enemy such as the Spanish Empire, and that was […]
Militarization of Colombia is a Key Aspect of U.S. Hemispheric Control
By Vicente Guevara on April, 2021 Colombia has historically been of great importance as an ally of the United States. It could perhaps even be said that it has been the empire’s most constant and unfaltering ally in the region since at least World War II. Today, under President Biden, […]
By Michael Löwy 13 tesis sobre la crisis ambiental y las salidas, por Michael Lowy: Englsh, Portuguese, French and Spanish English Portuguese French Spanish
Trump ensaya la invasión a Venezuela
(Por Atilio A. Boron, 4 Mayo-2020) Desde: La frustrada incursión de un grupo de mercenarios pretendiendo desembarcar en las costas de Macuto, estado de La Guaira, es la enésima prueba de que Estados Unidos, es un “estado canalla”; es decir, un país que viola sistemáticamente la legalidad internacional y […]
Vargas Llosa and the Pandemic: No to Life
In this pandemic, as rarely seen in history, the contempt of capital for human life has never been so clear. The obsession of the vast majority of tycoons with not shutting down business no matter how much damage this may inflict on workers’ health is something to behold. The same applies […]
Samper: Acuerdo militar con EE UU es el mayor error histórico de Colombia
Bogotá.- Como el mayor error histórico que ha cometido su país, calificó el ex presidente de Colombia Ernesto Samper la firma del acuerdo militar de ese país suramericano con Estados Unidos (EE UU), el cual permitirá la instalación de siete bases militares estadounidenses en territorio neogranadino. En entrevista concedida a […]
Ponencia del ELN al Encuentro Internacional de los Partidos de Izquierda reunido en Caracas.
Chocan dos mundos Ponencia del ELN al Encuentro Internacional de los Partidos de Izquierda reunido en Caracas. Pablo Beltrán | ELN Colombia Bases militares extranjeras en Colombia Los países del Norte del planeta se debaten en medio de la mayor crisis de su historia y planean reconquistas, como remedio para […]