Review of the new book ‘Ojos: Memoria de un estallido’ edited by Natalia Aravena By Hebe Powell Source LAB: December 18, 2023 Ojos: Memoria de un estallido is a book put together as a memorial for victims of eye trauma suffered as a result of the fight for human […]
Constitutional shipwreck for the far right in Chile
Chile Version imprimable On 17 December 2023, Chile voted against the proposed new constitution drafted by the conservative forces of the right and ultra-right. Thus, for the second time in fourteen months, two opposing alternatives to replace the country’s existing constitution which had its origin in the Pinochet dictatorship have […]
Electing Chile’s Constitutional Convention: “Nothing About Us Without Us”
The rules for rewriting the Pinochet-era Constitution set new standards in creating space for women, Indigenous peoples, and people with disabilities. Over May 15 and May 16, Chileans will elect the 155 delegates charged with writing the country’s new constitution. The constitutional process is already 19 months old, launched by […]
Chile: The Left that Fell Asleep is Being Carried Away By the Current
By Manuel Cabieses Donoso Another Chile is possible. Photo: Shirley Choenen The founders of the revolutionary doctrine have laid the groundwork for the objective and subjective conditions. The ideal situation for a step forward is the conjunction of both. But no revolutionary – from Lenin to Fidel Castro – waited […]
In Ecuador, Lawfare Marches on Despite Coronavirus
As COVID-19 tears through Ecuador, President Moreno is politicizing justice to fortify his austerity measures. From NACLA, April 27, 2020 Timm Benjamin Schützhofer Quito, Ecuador (Photo by Cayambe/Wikimedia) On April 7, wearing a mask and goggles as protection against the coronavirus, an Ecuadorian judge sentenced former president Rafael Correa to […]
Venezuela thwarts invasion attempt by mercenaries
Venezuelan officials reported that a group of mercenaries attempted to invade the country on Sunday but were stopped by the country’s army and policeMay 03, 2020 by Peoples Dispatch Venezuelan security forces seized large amounts of war weaponry including assault rifles and ammunition as well as satellite phones, uniforms and […]
An invitation to commemorate 46 years of struggle, resistance and solidarity since the military coup in Chile which took place on September 11, 1973. PHOTO Exhibition: September 9th to 17th Tribute and Memory: September Thursday 12th, 6:30PM Cultural and Film Night: September 14th, 6:30PM TRADES HALL, 54 VICTORIA STREET, CARLTON […]
Letter to Chilean President
Please visit here, Letter to Chilean Government and add you name or your organisations, thanks for you support and solidarity
Letter to the Chilean Government
To: Chilean Government 19 August, 2011 Mr. Sebastian Piñera President of Chile Palacio de la Moneda Santiago- Chile c/- Diego Velasco von Pilgrimm Minister Counselor, Consul General of Chile in Melbourne, Australia>Level 13, 390 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne, VIC 3004. Dear Mr. Piñera, With the ongoing mass mobilisations of students, […]
Por entrevista en Que Pasa “Voto Perdido”
Respeto profundamente al compañero Andrés Pascal en toda su dimensión política y personal, así como su trayectoria y aporte al desarrollo de la izquierda revolucionaria en Chile, pero esta vez paso. Ni siquiera estoy completamente seguro de que no tenga la razón en muchos sentidos. Simplemente, con los años, he […]
Homenaje a los Hermanos Vergara – Manu Chao
Le gustas tú Por Sergio Benavides (source:La Nacion) Mensajes por los hermanos Vergara y arengas de un grupo mapuche en el show de Manu Chao en el Velódromo. No se hizo de rogar: volvió y volvió al escenario. Viernes 27 de noviembre de 2009 Abrió pasado las 21:30 y dedicó el […]
Gabriel Salazar gana millonaria demanda laboral contra el Arcis
23 de Noviembre de 2009 Premio Nacional de Historia recibirá más de $ 30 millones y el pago de cotizaciones y feriados impagos El destacado académico fue removido de su cargo en 2006, acusado de ser el instigador de la toma de esa universidad, la que terminó con la salida […]
Manuel Cabieses Donoso (Publicado en Punto Final, edición Nº 699, 27 de noviembre, 2009) A 15 días de las elecciones, la diezmada Izquierda chilena se encuentra otra vez atrapada entre la nada y la servidumbre a un proyecto ajeno, entre ser una fuerza independiente que abra un camino de liberación […]