The HORISON FEST, is an initiative to get all communities and friends together, due to the necessity to communicate to each other, sharing projects, experiences and above all to create a space to support each other.Our idea is to defeat individualism; competition and all those values that are driving our […]
Latin America/ Abya Yala, so called Australia & beyond-Grassroots Movements and First Nations Solidarity Gathering
ACTIONS FOR CHANGE, Tejiendo Rebeldías (weaving rebellions) Grassroots Movements and First Nations Solidarity Gathering Latin America/ Abya Yala, so called Australia & beyond The Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET) together with other solidarity organisations are convening and organising an International Gathering for and with other activists, leaders, and indigenous as well […]
Colombian President Announces it is Suspending Military Material from Israel in Response to its Actions against Gaza
Colombian President Announces it is Suspending Military Material from Israel in Response to its Actions against Gaza March 3, 2024 Israeli made planes during the Independence Day parade in Bogota. Juancho Torres / Anadolu Agency The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, announced on Thursday the suspension of the purchase of […]
LASNET documentary screening
This Tuesday FEB. 13th, 7PM at Catalyst (146 Sydney rd., Coburg), our first doco screening at Catalyst Social Centre. Presenting “Even the Rain” following nice food and a collective discussion on colonialism. Idealistic filmmaker Sebastian (Gael Garcia Bernal, The Motorcycle Diaries) and his cynical producer Costa (Luis Tosar, The Limits […]
Chocolate and Sovereignty: A journey into Terra Vista
By Noa Cykman, originally published by January 8, 2024 Documentary “Terra Vista” depicts the journey of a settlement of Brazil’s Landless Peasants Movement (MST) to recover a degraded territory and establish autonomous and agroecological cacao production. The film is directed by Noa Cykman and Pedro Stropasolas and was a […]
Latin America remains the deadliest region for environmental defenders
New Global Witness report shows nearly 90% of all environment-linked killings were in the region, driven by land disputes, armed conflict and extractive industries. Fermín Koop, 2023. From: At least 177 land and environmental defenders were killed last year for trying to protect the planet – one person every […]
Latin America and the Caribbean: Between the Neoliberal Offensive and New Resistances
From: (2019, for background on last developments in Latin America) Challenges for Popular Movements and Critical Thought. Dossier n°22 (recent analyses on Latin America) Berta Cáceres, 1971-2016 For quite a few years, the people of Latin America and the Caribbean have been confronted by a new advance of imperialism […]
We Will Not Apologise – Zionism is Racism!
From: PRESS STATEMENT – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The People’s Forum Executive Director: We Will Not Apologize – Zionism is Racism! January 18, 2024, New York City – Following the publication of a slanderous article by the New York Post about The People’s Forum as well as a barrage of […]
Revolutionary Grassroots Feminism in Cuba
15/01/2024 | By Elpidia Moreno From: https://capiremov.org Elpidia Moreno, of the Federation of Cuban Women, addresses the contributions of the Cuban Revolution for feminism and the integration of the peoples… Since before 1959 in Cuba, there was evidence of a revolutionary grassroots feminism, apparent in the incorporation of women in […]
Chile: Victims of eye trauma tell their stories
Review of the new book ‘Ojos: Memoria de un estallido’ edited by Natalia Aravena By Hebe Powell Source LAB: December 18, 2023 Ojos: Memoria de un estallido is a book put together as a memorial for victims of eye trauma suffered as a result of the fight for human […]
Chile: Mapuche Political Prisoners On Hunger Strike Reaches 2 Months
By Carlos Aznárez, Resumen Latinoamericano, January 12, 2024 Freedom for all the Mapuche political prisoners There are countries where double standards are part of the norm when dealing with political issues, or even worse, with human rights. On the one hand, intermediate officials, ministers and even presidents will hypocritically spout […]
Cuba: a Vital Utopia in Resistance
From: Resumen LatinoAmericano English By Tatiana Coll on January 15, 2024 photo: Bill Hackwell It is difficult, very difficult to make a valid account of 65 years of great events, of profound transformations, of surprising achievements, of complex challenges, of internationalist victories, of global warnings, of new approaches, of constant […]
Zapatistas at 30: Building and Inspiring Autonomy
Raúl Zibechi in NACLA ( For decades, the EZLN has informed struggles down and up the continent. Amid climate chaos and endless war, they continue to imagine and create better worlds. December 22, 2023 “If you touch one, you touch all.” An illustration titled “Miradas y Espejos” (Gazes and Mirrors) […]
The Need of Our Own Project
On the Importance of a Program in the Libertarian Political Organization. by Organización Socialista Libertaria (Argentina) We that believe in the construction of a libertarian political organization, of an anarchism that as a revolutionary project have real impact in the class struggle, see the need of adopting a clear program […]
From Chile to Grenada, Socialism Is What Capitalists Are Really Afraid Of
By Bhaskar Sunkara, December 29, 2023 Today, we too often study Salvador Allende’s government nostalgically, as a tale of heroic struggle and martyrdom. But Allende shouldn’t be remembered as someone who believed in a vague progressive future — we should remember him and the millions around him as those who […]
Zapatistas: 40 years Building Autonomy
November 28, 2023 – From Abolition Media This year marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of the EZLN on November 17, 1983, and in a few weeks we will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the uprising of January 1, 1994. Zapatismo is as alive as it was three or […]
Zapatistas 30 Years in Struggle
January 1st 2024. Zapatistas 30 years, 1994-2024 A toast to celebrate the EZLN, wherever you are! Saludo (Brindis) por los 30 años de la irrupción del EZLN en Chiapas, en donde te encuentres! Thirty Years of Building Another World. Thirty years since the uprising of the EZLN in Chiapas, the […]
Multinationals Out! Solidarity Gathering/Encuentro Call
Dear wonderful people, here an invitation to get together for change… We hope that you receive this message well and are wishing you the best in your endeavours. On December 8-10, 2023, in Melbourne-Australia, together with people around the world we are calling a Solidarity gathering with Latin America, Asia […]
Canadian mining company at centre of deadly Panama protests has no plans to scale back
Pete Evans · CBC News The Canadian mining company that controls a massive copper mine in Panama says it has no plans to alter its operations despite widespread local protests against the firm’s mining contract that have escalated and turned deadly. Last month, Vancouver-based First Quantum Minerals Ltd. was awarded a contract to […]
LASNET open meeting, November 18, 2023
Inspiring… Resisting… Creating new Possibilities for Change… An invitation for all those interested in solidarity with Latin America… LASNET OPEN MEETING, Saturday November 18, 2023 (10am-12Noon Zoom AND 2:00PM to 5:00PM in person at Catalyst Social Centre) Register here: The Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET) In Australia, Asia, and the Pacific, the […]
Palestine: Beyond the ‘two states’ myth
Tim Anderson Source: Al Mayadeen English, 2 Nov 2023 The ‘two states’ idea remains as a barrier to building an anti-apartheid movement, as is our duty under international law to dismantle a racist regime, just as was done in South Africa. The persistent myth of a ‘two-state’ solution for Israeli-occupied […]
Honduras: Serious Threat against the Life of Garífuna Defender Miriam Miranda
September, 2023 photo: BSM San Pedro Sula, Honduras, On Tuesday four men armed with assault rifles entered the house of the leader of the Honduran Black Fraternal Organization (Ofraneh), Miriam Miranda. Ofraneh denounced in its social networks the attack against the privacy of the defender of the territory that took […]
Bolivia: Evo Morales Announces Candidacy for Presidency
Evo Morales, photo: Martin Silva / afp Bolivia’s former president Evo Morales confirmed his candidacy this Sunday for the 2025 presidential elections. He pointed out that he was forced to make this decision, for which he will fight, in the midst of the internal division of the ruling Movement Towards Socialism (MAS). This is […]
Mexico: Ayotzinapa – 9 Years on the Truth is still Missing
Mexico: Ayotzinapa – 9 Years on the Truth is still Missing By Magdalena Gómez photo: Bill Hackwell This is what the parents of the 43 students from the Raúl Isidro Burgos Rural Normal School in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, who disappeared between the night of September 26 and the early morning of […]
The rise and fall of progressivism in Latin America
(Book summary) The rise and fall of progressivism in Latin America By Anderson Bean The Impasse of the Latin American Left (book name) by Frank Gaudichaud, Massimo Modonesi, and Jeffery R. Webber Duke University Press, 2022 If you were to look at a map of South America in the mid-1990s, […]
Colombia’s leaders want to stain their country with the blood of the working class (From ALAINET)
In the face of a state that assassinates its own people, the Colombian people remain on the streets and continue resisting. by Laura Capote, Zoe Alexandra, May, 2021 As police and military forces in Colombia use violence to try to repress the massive mobilizations that grew out of a national […]
Root Causes (Mex-US borders)
By David Brooks on April, 2021 Ever since the issue of migration flows at the U.S.-Mexico border intensified, the Biden administration has made addressing the “root causes” of migration from Central America and Mexico at the centerpiece of its response. Biden, his vice president, Kamala Harris, and America’s foreign policymakers […]
An Unstoppable Wave against the Blockade of Cuba
By Pedro Martínez Pírez on April 26, 2021 This past Sunday, and in spite of the COVID pandemic, many people around the world once again came out against the U.S. blockade of Cuba. And for the first time, a regatta was held in front of the Havana seawall with the […]
The Network in Defense of Humanity Rejects the Aggressions by Armed Groups against Venezuela near the Border with Colombia
April 5, 2021 The Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity, in view of the confrontations that began on March 21 between the Bolivarian National Armed Forces and irregular armed groups in La Victoria, Apure State, near the Colombian border, declares: -It is an insistently repeated […]
Colombia-Venezuela Border: The Truth about the Conflict
By Yoselina Guevara L. on April 19, 2021 Venezuela shares with Colombia not only 2,219 km of borders, but also a history that unites them. A union that emerged solidly under the command of the Liberator Simón Bolívar, against a common enemy such as the Spanish Empire, and that was […]
Campaign of Struggles: The MST Donates More than 100 Tons of Food in Brazil
The Landless Workers Movement (MST) is in solidarity and shares its harvest with the workers affected by the food crisis that the country is suffering, in the situation where more than half of the Brazilian population is not guaranteed that they will have food on the table. It is estimated […]
Online Action in solidarity with Colombia
Saturday, May 8th, 2021, Melbourne-Australia Time Viernes 7 de mayo, 19:30PM en Colombia Everyone with Colombia stop the repression against its people stop the criminalisation with the right to protest Duque out! (from Al Jazeera) For nearly a week, thousands of Colombians have taken to the streets across the country […]
Let the Rich Pay for the Crisis
By Katu Arkonada on July 4, 2020 After the economic crisis of 2008, there was a sector that not only recovered quickly but continued to grow exponentially, the luxury goods sector. While a large part of the population saw their social and labor rights cut back, the occupation of 5-star hotels, […]
UPDATE Part 2 & 3 Pandemic People power online conference
Tomorrow Saturday 16 and Sunday 17, 11am Back by popular demand, this Saturday and Sunday! Pandemic People Power! Parts 2 & 3Where we learn about the power of communities and social movements organising around the world under Covid-19…More inspiration, ideas, music and much more…. REGISTER for access LINK: email us […]
Trump ensaya la invasión a Venezuela
(Por Atilio A. Boron, 4 Mayo-2020) Desde: La frustrada incursión de un grupo de mercenarios pretendiendo desembarcar en las costas de Macuto, estado de La Guaira, es la enésima prueba de que Estados Unidos, es un “estado canalla”; es decir, un país que viola sistemáticamente la legalidad internacional y […]
Latin America’s ‘Pearl Harbour Event’? Forces of Oppression and Resistance Intensify Across the Region as the Multiple Crises Deepen
Written by Daniel Edgar exclusively for SouthFront With the relatively recent arrival of the ‘Coronavirus’ to the region, the chronic failure of neoliberal economic and social planning and development models and strategies to reduce poverty and provide sustainable and equitable, or even remotely viable, development paths has surpassed critical levels. […]
Update!! Pandemic Peoples Power online conference Part 2 & 3
Tomorrow Saturday 16 and Sunday 17, 11am Please/Por fa distribuir/ share/ widely!!! Back by popular demand, this Saturday and Sunday! Pandemic People Power! Parts 2 & 3Where we learn about the power of communities and social movements organising around the world under Covid-19…More inspiration, ideas, music and much more…. REGISTER […]
Ecological and social planning and transition
-Micahel Lowy The need for economic planning in any serious and radical process of socio-ecological transition is winning greater acceptance, in contrast to the traditional positions of the Green parties, favorable to an ecological variant of “market economy,” that is, “green capitalism.” In her latest book, Naomi Klein observes that […]
“El neoliberalismo aplica la necropolítica, deja morir a las personas que no son rentables”
Clara Valverde introduce su nuevo libro con la alusión al texto de una pintada en la pared: “Con la dictadura nos mataban. Ahora nos dejan morir”. En ‘De la necropolítica neoliberal a la empatía radical’ (‘Icaria/Más madera’) esta activista política y social y escritora sostiene que el sistema neoliberal es […]
Pandemic People Power! (Online 3-Part Conference)
Pandemic People Power! (Online 3-Part Conference):Stories of community power, resistance and resilience in times of COVID-19 in so called Australia, Latin America and beyond This will be a series of interactive 3 online mini-conferences with panels, group discussions and music! – lifting up examples of organizing, resistance and action both […]
COVID 19 and the population in a global context
The COVID 19 pandemic has spread to practically all the countries of the world, and there are already close to 2,800,000 infected and nearly 200,000 dead [1]. Currently the United States (EU) is the country with the highest number of infections (almost 900,000), with 50,000 deaths and is immersed in […]
Extractivism is not Development-Extractivismo en America Latina
Film and Discussion night about extractivism in Latin America. A week before to blockade IMARC Oct. 28-31, we would like to present a short video which illustrate how extractivists neoliberal policies are displacing indigenous communities, destroying the land and increasing exploitation and oppression over people and first nations communities. […]
Seminar: Latin America Fights – Seminario: Allá se respira lucha…
Seminar on Latin America struggles and resistances recent developments… Saturday October 13, 11am – 5pm (movie screening from 6:15pm) Victoria Trades Hall 54 Victoria Street, Carlton One day of information and discussion on recent and current developments in Latin America Especially struggles on women, workers, indigenous and social and political […]
The Truth about Venezuela – Discussion and Cultural night The mainstream media lies!
Guest speaker Pacha Guzmán “Building grassroots organisation from below” A nigh in solidarity with the people in Venezuela, A night of discussion, music, dance, poetry, nice food THURSDAY MARCH 29th, 6:30PM At: Edinburgh Gardens, Community Hall (Off Brunswick St. Fitzroy North, Tram 11-Stop 20. Behind the Fitzroy Bowls Club in […]
Encuentro con el pueblo de Venezuela desde abajo y a la izquierda – “Construyendo Futuro.”
Martes 27 de Marzo, 6:30pm Melbourne Trades Hall, Piso 4 por la puerta de vidrio en las esquinas de las calles Victoria y Lygon Street en Carlton South Invitamos a todos los latinoamericanos en Melbourne a un encuentro con la el pueblo Venezolano, construyendo futuro, con Pacha Catalina Guzmán militante […]
LASNET & MASIL Statement
STATEMENT ON THE SITUATION OF MAPUCHE LEADER MACHI FRANCISCA LINCONAO We are writing to denounce the actions of the Chilean state and call for international solidarity for the Mapuche leader Machi Francisca Linconao (Mapuche spiritual authority) who is currently in jail since March 2016 and has been on hunger strike […]
Colombians take to streets again to support peace deal
written by The Associated Press Thousands of farmers, indigenous activists and students marched in cities across Colombia on Wednesday to demand a peace deal between the government and leftist rebels not be scuttled. It’s the second time in a week that Colombians are taking to the streets to support the […]
Latin America-Asia Pacific Popular Grassroots Movements And Indigenous People Solidarity Encounter, October 29-30
“Capitalism is in crisis but has not been defeated. It reinvents itself,seeking new avenues of release. It organises its fury against the undisciplined, rebellious peoples. It tries incessantly to recolonise them, to make them submit, to control them.” … Speakers confirmed to the ENCOUNTER:
From Resistance to Subversion: What do we Celebrate on October 12?
By: Dr. Juan E. Romero J. / Source: Resumen Latinoamericano / October 12, 2016 The idea of resistance was used by the Spanish invaders to express the opposition of indigenous peoples to control in the cultural, political, social and economic areas. Spaniards created an imagery where indigenous communities were labeled as […]
Venezuela: Manifiesto del Movimiento Continental Bolivariano
“La unidad de nuestros pueblos no es simple quimera de los hombres, sino inexorable decreto del destino.” Simón Bolívar Secretario Ejecutivo / Mariátegui 06/12/09 Un fantasma recorre nuestra América, nuestra Abya Ayala, despertando la esperanza del universo, sobresaltando los imperios ahora trémulos de espanto en su naufragio financiero y crisis […]
Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular Contra el Golpe de Estado DENUNCIA EL FRACASO DE LA FARSA ELECTORAL Con plena satisfacción anunciamos al Pueblo hondureño y a la comunidad internacional que la farsa electoral montada por la dictadura ha sido contundentemente derrotada debido a la raquítica afluencia de votantes a las […]
Desmiente Manuel Zelaya que haya pedido asilo a Lula
Propaganda en San Pedro Sula que llama a lugareños a no convalidar la elección organizada por los golpistas Periódico La Jornada Domingo 29 de noviembre de 2009, p. 21 Tegucigalpa, 28 de noviembre. El presidente de Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, quien hoy cumple cinco meses de haber sido derrocado, dijo a […]
Elecciones ilegales en Honduras y la hipocresía de Washington
Por Eva Golinger ³¿Qué vamos a hacer, quedarnos sentados durante cuatro años y simplemente condenar al golpe?² declaraciones de un alto oficial del Departamento de Estado en Washington ayer. Las verdaderas divisiones en América Latina entre la justicia y la injusticia, democracia y dictadura, derechos humanos y derechos […]
Sobre la cuestión indígena
En este artículo, el sociólogo reflexiona en torno a la posición del fundamentalismo indígena, a partir del reclamo mapuche sobre tierras en zonas del sur argentino y chileno. Se sorprende por el apoyo que ciertos intelectuales brindan a la causa, el fomento del multiculturalismo y advierte el riesgo de caer […]
Ponencia del ELN al Encuentro Internacional de los Partidos de Izquierda reunido en Caracas.
Chocan dos mundos Ponencia del ELN al Encuentro Internacional de los Partidos de Izquierda reunido en Caracas. Pablo Beltrán | ELN Colombia Bases militares extranjeras en Colombia Los países del Norte del planeta se debaten en medio de la mayor crisis de su historia y planean reconquistas, como remedio para […]
El campo de batalla suramericano
Otra vez Iberoamérica se enfrenta al ser o no ser de su destino El campo de batalla suramericano Enrique Lacolla En el mundo globalizado todo tiene que ver con todo. Y el principal motor de esa dinámica es el mundo desarrollado, en extremo agresivo. Lo grave para nosotros es […]